Simple Surprise Overnight Oats

an easy breakfast for every non-morning person
a wooden spoon and wooden bowl with oats in it
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / [katrinshine]

If you are not a morning person, yet love getting ahead of yourself, then this simple recipe is a game-changer that will put a satisfied smile on your face! As the name suggests, all that overnight oats require is a couple of minutes of prep the night before. And completely effortlessly, you’ve got a nutritious breakfast ready to go wherever you do! 

Easily doubled (or tripled!) this recipe will keep for about five days in the fridge. Tasty both cold or warm, the oats are completely customizable with the addition of fruits, nuts, and flavours. (See below for a breakfast sundae bar of champions!)


A completely tasty breakfast! 

Oats provide lots of sustainable energy, are excellent sources of both soluble and insoluble fibres, making them stellar support for elimination, cardiovascular health, and blood sugar balance. Rolled or old-fashioned oats and steel-cut oats (not instant) are actually quite low on the glycemic index for grain, and recent studies have shown that they can reduce the need for insulin in type 2 diabetics. This creamy porridge features fibre-rich chia seeds that are the best plant source of anti-inflammatory, brain-boosting omega-3s. The nut milk and butter kick up the protein and good fat content for better energy and longer satiation!


  • 1 c organic rolled oats (not quick or instant!) 
  • 1½ c nut milk 
  • 3 Tbsp nut or seed butter 
  • 3 Tbsp chia seeds 
  • ½ tsp pure vanilla extract 
  • ½ tsp cinnamon 
  • 1½ c fruit of choice, fresh or frozen 
  • Sweetener, if desired

Opt for organic oats! Glyphosate (a toxic pesticide) residue has been found in shockingly high amounts in many grains, including oats. To avoid possible contamination, choose to use organic oats instead. Want to know more about glyphosate? Check out the full story at


  1. In a bowl, mix together all ingredients. Add more milk if you prefer a thinner consistency. Add sweetener if desired. 
  2. Divide into glass serving containers of choice (wide-mouth mason jars are perfect!). For a parfait, layer oat mix alternately with fruit (fresh or frozen berries are super quick and pretty). 
  3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.


DIY Breakfast Sundae Ideas

Dessert for breakfast?! Let the kids decide on this simple way to make brekkie a healthy celebration. Make your parfait next-level with one of these nutritious upgrades just before eating! 

  • More fruit! (chopped bananas or apples sprinkled with cinnamon) 
  • Dried fruits (raisins, dates, apricot pieces, coconut) 
  • Nuts (walnuts, pecans, and almonds) 
  • Seeds (pumpkin or sunflower) 
  • Flavour boosters (cardamom and pure cocoa powder) 
  • Sweeteners (honey or maple syrup)


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