Simple Reset Tips and Goals for 2021

Bring health and positivity into your life by focusing on what you can control

Logan Nolin/

We bring you real stories from our EcoCommunity of green moms, bloggers and influencers. Please meet Holistic Nutritionist and EcoParent Ambassador Rachel Bies and join us on social media to chat about your favourite tips and articles! 

First off, I just wanted to say hello and how excited I am to be a part of the EcoParent Community. A little bit about me: I’m a solo mama to a very active and sweet two-year-old Bowie. I’m also a holistic nutritionist/Certified Nutritional Practitioner, private chef, teacher and sometimes a host of topics pertaining to food, lifestyle, wellness and motherhood. I’m obsessed with my kid, food, a good show and travelling. Oh, and I’m working towards an eco-friendly and green life!

So: 2021. We did it. We got through 2020, not that that makes 2021 some kind of magical clean start. Unfortunately, there are some things we still cannot control, but there are many that we can, such as our home, family, lifestyle and nutrition/wellness.

I’m not one for resolutions (no offense to those that are). I myself work better with goals interspersed throughout the year, which is what I would love to share with you today.

2021 Reset + Goals (but make it fun!) 


It’s such a simple step to incorporate. Better hydration reaps many benefits, including having whiter eyes, more energy, better sleep and mood, and fewer aches. Your body also functions at a higher capacity when hydrated. My rule of thumb is drinking an 8-ounce glass of water six to eight times per day (this does not include herbal teas or coffee!).

Move that body

It is definitely more difficult to plan outdoor activities during stay-at-home orders, but not impossible!  There are many trails you can book, free apps to help you get into yoga, dance parties at home with the kiddos, or an old-fashioned walk/run around the block. Throwing on snow pants and all the layers is worth the mood boost!

Clean out that fridge

I am just as guilty as any of having too many condiments as well as the occasional “mystery container.” However, if you can take the time to clean and restock, it will make the next trip even easier!

Healthy (but delicious) snacks

Some snack options I love are hummus and veg (chop them up every few days so you and kids can grab them easily), whole wheat tortillas and guac or salsa (see below for THE easiest guac), whole roasted chicken for on-the-go wraps, and granola with lower sugar content.


Kids and parents both need some quiet time, and it’s up to you to make that a priority. Bowie gets his own time with a show, a learning class or his books/toys while mama gets to work, reads, or meditates. I think it’s a great tool for when they get older to allow themselves that time. You are showing them you take priority, too. 

Food and Fun (household-only) parties

We aren’t going anywhere for a while, so we might as well get the kids involved. Think taco night, or a "make your own pizza" night–but with a fun spin with a competition where the whole family judges! Plan a weekly games night! Just fun and silly ways to get through the next few weeks. We all need fun. 

Remember, we will get through this 

This pandemic is hard, it’s devastating, it’s emotional, and it’s been challenging. What's important is that you, your family and your kids remember that they felt safe, they felt happy, and that you made the best of it, together. Here are some additional tips to help you stay on track this year.


This one is a long-term goal to maintain throughout the year. Over the holidays, my aim was to put money aside for helping others. This year, consider keeping an account for community support and donations. Then, you can also think about setting up automated withdrawals into savings, education, a trip, small investments, or a discretionary fund to spend on whatever seems most important to you.

Get a plant

If you are thinking about owning a pet down the road, getting a plant is a great step into taking on responsibilities. Plants are also a proven mood booster, and make every home a little cozier.  


Have the takeout nights. Have a piece of cake, then eat some greens and drink a smoothie - it's all about balance! Talk about important things and laugh so hard you cry. I know every situation is different for every family, but there is a bright future down the road, and we have to make the good in each day happen.

In the meantime, for my fellow snackers: two simple recipes to get you started on balanced and delicious 2021 snacks!

EASY PEASY GUACAMOLE (gluten-free/dairy-free/vegan)


  • 2 ripe avocados, smashed (save pit)
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced small 
  • 1 small bunch of cilantro or parsley
  • Chili pepper or flakes 
  • Sea salt


Mash it all up! I like to keep a few little chunks for texture. Top with extra cilantro, and serve with your favourite chip. If you're not eating it right away, top with the avocado pits - this will prevent your guac from turning brown!

Pico de Gallo (gluten-free/dairy-free/vegan)

Rachel Bies


  • 1 tomato, cut into chunks
  • ½ English cucumber
  • ½ onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 jalapeno, ½ seeds removed (omit for babies)
  • ½ orange pepper, cut into segments
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • Sea salt
  • Pepper
  • Cilantro, a small bunch 


1. Throw everything into a food processor and blend until your desired consistency.  Season to taste.

Serve with veggies, pita, and tortillas. Lasts for up to 5 days in the fridge. Scrambled eggs, tortilla shells, yogurt, and pico is a great weekend brunch! 

Happy New Year, and please feel free to follow me on Instagram @rachelbies_

Xo rb

Ps. YOU are doing a great job.