Tips for Managing Time in the Mornings

make your busy mornings less frantic
Tips for managing time: Girl with glasses smiling
© Shutterstock / kenishirotie

Mornings can be tough and fast. When summer comes to an end and the back to school feeling is in the air, those dreaded busy mornings and a rise in parental stress can make you feel like staying in bed. Here are a few tips to help get your kids and yourselves ready for the back to school hustle dance.

A bedtime routine

The summer is great for that laissez-faire attitude, but now that we need to get to school on time, those carefree summer days are going to have to come to an end. Children between the ages of 5-12 need 10-12 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep is connected to poor attention and memory, lower grades and mood disturbances. Start by turning technology off at least an hour before bed. Try to keep the lights dim and mood calm. Set a bedtime routine with a bath/shower, reading, snuggles, and lights out.

Get up earlier

You might not like this one, but it could make a world of difference. Waking up 15 minutes before the kids rise for the day is all you really need to get things started. I know how hard getting up can be, but you will thank yourself when the morning routine moves with ease. Use that time for what you need most to start the day off on a successful foot.

Get organized

This is such a hard one to achieve! Household stress with kids falls into two major categories: Location and Time. Location is having things where they can be found when needed. Time is being able to get where you need to be by a certain deadline. Location problems often lead to time problems. By making things easier to find, you will make it easier to be on time, and everyone will be less stressed out.

Strategies to up your organizational game

  • Designate spots for backpacks and lunch boxes
  • Picking clothes out the night before
  • Prepping lunch meals in the evening

Forgive yourself

If you have one bad day, let it go! Start the next morning fresh and ready for what life has to offer you. Take the time to nourish yourself with whatever that might be. A coffee, cookie, yoga class, walk outside or curling up with a good book. Allow yourself the time, as much as possible, to care for yourself.

I encourage everyone to enjoy these last few carefree days with their children. I try to remind myself that “the days are long and the years are short.” So on that note, enjoy your sweet ones while they still want to spend all their time in the world with you. Good luck with the back to school craze!

Don’t be a breakfast over-achiever

Leave those cute pancake shapes for the weekend! When everyone needs to get out of the house in a timely manner, making a simple and healthy breakfast is key!

Ideas for a balanced breakfast

  • Scrambled eggs with cut-up fruit
  • Granola with yogurt or milk and fruit
  • Toast with nut butters, cheese or avocado
  • Oatmeal that can be cooked on Sunday and reheated as needed in the week.
  • Overnight oats (recipe below!)

Simple Overnight Oats

  1. Place ½ cup large flaked oats with 1 cup of milk or milk alternative in a mason jar or glass container with a tight fitting lid.
  2. Add toppings you like:
    • Hemp hearts, chia seeds, flax seeds
    • Pumpkin seeds, walnuts, crushed almonds
    • Cinnamon or nutmeg
    • Fruit: berries, mango, pineapple, pears
  3. Cover and store overnight in fridge.
  4. Enjoy a ready-made healthy breakfast in the morning!