"Stylish and Doable Sustainable Living" is this inspiring influencer's motto. The voice and thinker behind Luci's Morsels, Luci Petlack has been in the blogging world of fashion, food, and travel since 2012 when she was earning her PhD in History. In 2019 she shifted gears toward leading a more sustainable life and working naturally into her loves of fashion, food, and travel. Luci shares her expanding knowledge and questions with her followers, seeking to show that living a more eco-friendly life doesn't have to look the same for everyone. Passionate about living happily and sustainably, Luci shares her journey through making long-lasting choices for style, food, travel, and family.  She lives in northern California with her husband and a baby boy who keeps her on her toes. @lucismorsels | lucismorsels.com

Luci Petlack