Kids' Nutrition Course


Welcome to the EcoParent Kids' Nutrition Course!

Have you ever felt paralyzed thinking about getting adequate nutrition into your family? You’re not alone. Everything from buying the food and getting it on the table and into those little mouths, to actually making choices at the grocery store, and fostering a culture of nourishment…it’s a lot.
If it all feels too real, say hello to Jess Sherman, author, board certified Practical Holistic Nutritionist, and Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. As a mother of three, she knows all about that treadmill you get on when you become a parent, and she’s experienced the feelings of being overwhelmed by the importance of feeding a family.
This course will elevate your understanding of the nutrition your family needs, and how to find space for healthy food in your busy life. It will allow you to take control of your family's health. And at the end, you’ll feel confident and peaceful in the kitchen and at the grocery store, having developed an understanding of the many facets of nutrition and how to get it onto the table, so that your family can thrive.


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This course is for you if:


→  you want to transform your family’s health for the better

→  you believe food helps nurture a healthy mind and body, but is also a great tool to foster connection with your children

→  you want to shed nutrition anxiety, and feel confident in the kitchen and at the grocery store

→  you want to learn directly from a Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Board Certified Practical Holistic Nutrition Practitioner with decades of experience talking to parents, medical professionals, educators, therapists, and children about nutrition, resilience and health


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Your guide:


Jess Sherman


Jess Sherman, RHN, FDN-P, MEd

→  Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

→  Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition

→  Mother of three


What you get:


→  7 hours of video content

→  Supplementary materials and printables

→  A course you can access on your phone, tablet, or computer, anywhere you've got internet

→  A full year of course access


What makes this course different:


Jess Sherman has worked with the most amazing parents over the years who have created massive transformations in their children’s health by learning to get the right foods into them. They’ve managed to improve sleep and focus, and emotional stability, they’ve reduced tantrums, improved learning and focus, reduced allergies, and improved growth trajectories. All this by getting the right foods into their kids.

Family nutrition can be a hard road to navigate and figure out, but we’ve simplified it, and packed it all into one course.


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How much does it cost?


This standalone course costs USD$180 / CAD$250. A discount is applied if you purchase it as part of a multi-course bundle.


Frequently asked questions:


How long will it take me to complete the course?

→ This course contains approximately 7 hours of video material, plus some supplementary materials. You can breeze right through the course in a day or two, but what's the rush? Just like any fine meal, you’ll want to take your time and savor the experience. And remember, implementing all of this is going to take some time. So, feel free to go back and listen to the modules again (and again).

How long will I have access to the course?

→ Your purchase includes 12 months of course access. So you'll have ample time to watch, re-watch, and re-re-watch as situations arise and you need a refresher.

Will you be releasing more courses like this?

→ Why yes, in fact! We've got a total of seven courses available to you. Sign up for our e-newsletter or follow us on social media to stay up to date on everything we're up to.

Can I get a discount?

→ We offer multi-course bundles at a discounted rate. These bundles are your most economical option.


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Created with support from:

Ontario Creates


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