DIY Oatmeal Banana Mask

This mask is bananas!
milk, oatmeal, bananas on a light background
© Can Stock Photo / natashamam

Go au naturel with this skin-smoothing paste! Banana fights fine lines and wrinkles, softens skin, reduces blemishes, and solves dry skin issues. Lemon is an astringent, closing skin pores and preventing oiliness, and is a perfect light toner that works to fade scars. And powdered oatmeal is a perfect exfoliant to soften skin and remove dead skin cells while it draws out toxins and gently cleans clogged pores.

  • 1 banana

  • 1 tsp of lemon

  • 1 Tbsp powdered oatmeal

Mix ingredients together until you get an even texture and smooth onto face. Leave it on as long as you can and then rinse with warm water. Add 1 egg white and a tablespoon of honey for extra moisture and skin-tightening.
