Chocolate Pomegranate Clusters

a delicious and healthy way to celebrate both Valentine's and heart health month!

Antonietta Ferretti/

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It is no secret that February is the month of the heart. Not only do we celebrate Valentine’s Day, but February is also heart health month. To commemorate the two, these pomegranate clusters combine key ingredients that bring love to our hearts in more ways than one.   

Romantic Chocolate Recipe Essentials

Pomegranate has quite an impressive resume; it is jam-packed with vitamins, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, pomegranate has been known to support in reducing the risk of various illnesses. Particularly, pomegranate seeds are often connected with supporting the heart, because it has been found to help reduce our triglyceride levels (fat found in our blood). 

Dark Chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants, along with magnesium, fibre, and much more. Studies reveal that dark chocolate can help support our health in a variety of ways, including the heart. It has been known to help improve cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure while improving blood flow. This is not meant to give the impression of eating an entire chocolate bar as a sensible choice; there are other factors to consider like sugar and added fats. Aim for quality dark chocolate that has a percentage of at least 70 or more (anything over 80% is ideal, but it becomes quite bitter). You’re looking for simple ingredients, fair trade chocolate and less added sugar. 

Chocolate Pomegranate Clusters

Pomegranate clusters

Combining chocolate and pomegranate makes for a fantastic treat that even the kids may enjoy. For those who find eating the seeds arduous, having it submerged in chocolate makes pomegranate much more appealing to savour. These bite-sized treats are great to indulge in or even to gift to a special someone on Valentine’s Day. 


  • Small pot
  • Heatproof bowl 
  • Medium size bowl
  • Spoon


  • 1 pomegranate-seeded (room temperature)
  • 200 grams good quality dark chocolate (I recommend no higher than 80% cacao)


  1. Remove seeds from the pomegranate and ensure they are dry (this is particularly important if the extraction is underwater).
  2. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water (not boiling).
  3. Stir the chocolate until it has completely melted. 
  4. Allow the melted chocolate to cool slightly (no more than a minute).
  5. Pour chocolate over pomegranate seeds and combine with a spoon.
  6. Scoop small amounts and place on a parchment-lined baking pan. 
  7. Refrigerate the clusters for at least 20-30 minutes to ensure the chocolate has hardened.
  8. Keep refrigerated, up to 3-4 days (if they last that long).
Chocolate Clusters